Learn how to heal yourself

with Trees Energy

The Tree Realm Course

  • 4 Virtual Live Masterclass 90 minutes When? March 9, 16, 23, 30

  • 1 Healing Private Session with Amalia

  • Ebooks and Resources

    Access to Recorded Meditations

  • Access to Group Community

Learn the science of

tree meditation

and practice your healing skills

Value $490

Special Promo $98

Trees are free therapy: Find your inner sanctuary

Embark on a Journey of Wisdom and Wonder in "The Tree Realm Course". Explore the Hidden World of Trees, Deepen Your Connection with Nature, and Lead a More Balanced and Sustainable Life.

Course curriculum:

Module 1: Introduction to Tree Energy, Tree Communication and Energy Exchange

Module 2: The Science and Spirituality of Tree Healing

Module 3: Transformative Power of Tree Energy & Tree Realm attunement

Module 4: Preparing for Tree Meditation & Guiding Tree Meditations

Module 5: Integration and Daily Practice

Module 6: Community Building and Unity Consciousness

Module 7: Being a guardian

Main benefits

Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Practices.

Nature Walks and Forest Therapy.

Holistic Healing Workshops.

Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery Sessions.

Group Support and Community Building.

Inner Peace and Emotional Healing.

Enhanced Holistic Well-being.

Stress Reduction & Relaxation.

A Deeper Connection with Nature & Self.

Tree Meditations | Chakras & Energy Work | Sound Healing | Four directions teachings | Eco-consciousness | Abundance Mindset | Breath Work | Ancestors | Healing Traumas & Inner Child Healing | Emotions | Health | Alchemy | Consciousness | Channeling | + whole lot more

Serving individuals seeking spiritual rejuvenation and inner peace through nature immersion.

Providing a transformative experience that combines spiritual growth, holistic healing,

and a deep connection with the natural world. Through immersive holistic wellness practices in order for you to find inner peace, emotional healing, stress reduction, and a renewed connection with nature.

Welcome TreeHugger,

This Tree Realm Course is a transformative journey that invites you to reconnect with nature,

heal your spirit, and celebrate unity consciousness. At the heart of this course lies a mission to deepen your connection with ancient trees, unlock their wisdom, and nurture your soul.

The art of eco-consciousness

Our Course is designed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual

well-being while fostering a sense of belonging in a loving community.

Whether you seek personal transformation, spiritual growth, or simply wish to bask in the

energy of Mother Nature,

our Tree Realm Course offers a path to self-discovery and unity consciousness.

Relax, And Activate

Your Crystalline DNA

DNA, Kundalini-Reiki, Past-Life, Diamond, Crystalline Reiki are all

used as guided by our spirit teams.

The plant realm is calling you to awaken your power, do you hear them?

Join us on this transformative journey and awaken your spirit, nourish your soul,

and connect with the profound energy of ancient trees.

Ready to reconnect with nature and heal together? Reserve your spot today!

Your connection with

Trees is invaluable

Learn how to heal yourself

with Tree's Energy

The Tree Realm Course

Ready to join the Tree Realm Course today?

Assisting others tune in to unity consciousness through reconnecting with nature.

Calling all nature guardians

After 2 years of leading Tree meditations at community events and private retreats, Amalia has been guided to gather the collective at sacred sites and the giant trees of the world

Amalia Consuelo Alduenda

Tree Meditation Tour Founder & Director

Lagunitas Organics Sanctuary CEO

Public Speaker

Amalia spreads love and unity consciousness

through sharing channeled Tree Meditations, public speaking, Kundalini Reiki,

Astral surgery, Crystal, Aura and Chakra alignment energetic healing.

  • 4 Virtual Live Masterclass 90 minutes When? March 9, 16, 23, 30

  • 1 Healing Private Session with Amalia

  • E-book and Resources &

    Access to Recorded Meditations

  • Access to Group Community

Value $490

Special Promo $98

Learn the science of tree

meditation and practice your

healing skills

Trees are free therapy: Find your inner sanctuary

Embark on a Journey of Wisdom and Wonder in "The Tree Realm Course". Explore the Hidden Wisdom of Trees, Deepen Your Connection with Nature, and Lead a More Balanced and Sustainable Life.

Course curriculum:

Module 1: Introduction to Tree Energy, Tree Communication and Energy Exchange

Module 2: The Science and Spirituality of Tree Healing

Module 3: Transformative Power of Tree Energy & Tree Realm attunement

Module 4: Preparing for Tree Meditation & Guiding Tree Meditations

Module 5: Integration and Daily Practice

Module 6: Community Building and Unity Consciousness

Module 7: Being a guardian

Main benefits

Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Practices.

Nature Walks and Forest Therapy.

Holistic Healing Workshops.

Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery Sessions.

Group Support and Community Building.

Inner Peace and Emotional Healing.

Enhanced Holistic Well-being.

Stress Reduction and Relaxation.

A Deeper Connection with Nature.

Serving individuals seeking spiritual rejuvenation and inner peace through nature immersion.

Providing a transformative experience that combines spiritual growth, holistic healing,

and a deep connection with the natural world. Through immersive holistic wellness practices in order for you to find inner peace, emotional healing, stress reduction, and a renewed connection with nature.

Past Tree Meditations

Value $490
Special Promo $98

Tree Meditations | Chakras & Energy Work | Sound Healing | Four directions teachings | Eco-consciousness | Abundance Mindset | Breath Work | Ancestors | Healing Traumas & Inner Child Healing | Emotions | Health | Alchemy | Consciousness | Channeling | + whole lot more

Welcome Tree Hugger,

This Tree Realm Course is a transformative journey that invites you to reconnect with nature,
heal your spirit, and celebrate unity consciousness. At the heart of this course lies

a mission to deepen your connection with ancient trees, unlock their wisdom, and nurture your soul.

The art of eco-consciousness

Our Course is designed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

while fostering a sense of belonging in a loving community. Whether you seek personal transformation,

spiritual growth, or simply wish to bask in the energy of Mother Nature,

our Tree Realm Course offers a path to self-discovery and unity consciousness.

Relax, And Activate Your Crystalline DNA

DNA, Kundalini-Reiki, Past-Life, Diamond, Crystalline Reiki are all used as guided by our spirit teams.

The plant realm is calling you to awaken your power, do you hear them?

Join us on this transformative journey and awaken your spirit, nourish your soul,

and connect with the profound energy of ancient trees.

Ready to reconnect with nature and heal together? Reserve your spot today!

Your connection with

Trees is invaluable

Ready to join the Tree Realm Course today?

Assisting others tune in to unity consciousness through reconnecting with nature.

To provide individuals with a chance to liberate themselves of held onto traumas and to embody more love feeling empowered in all of their energy.

Calling all nature guardians

After 2 years of leading Tree meditations at community events and private retreats, Amalia has been guided to gather the collective at sacred sites and the giant trees of the world

Amalia spreads love and unity consciousness

through sharing channeled Tree Meditations, public speaking, Kundalini Reiki,

Astral surgery, Crystal, Aura and Chakra alignment energetic healing.

Amalia Consuelo Alduenda

Tree Meditation Tour Founder & Director

Lagunitas Organics Sanctuary CEO

Public Speaker

Past Tree Meditations

We offer a holistic, nature-centered approach that blends spirituality, healing, and nature immersion.

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Global root system

©2023 – Tree Meditation Tour | All Right Reserved

We offer a holistic, nature-centered approach that blends spirituality, healing, and nature immersion.

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Global root system

©2023 Tree Meditation Tour | All Right Reserved